Stefano Di Giusto

from the Regio Esercito to the RSI

1° Gruppo Carri L “San Giusto” (1934 – 1943) /
Gruppo Squadroni Corazzati “San Giusto” (1943 – 1945)

Laran Editions, Brussels, 2008
ISBN: 978-2-9600810-1-5
160 pages, around 140 photos, several maps and documents, 5 colour profiles; paperback, 21 x 29 cm. Price: 28 euro.
Italian text with English summary and photo captions. Published in September 2008


The 1° Gruppo Carri L “San Giusto”, created in 1934, was one of the first armoured cavalry units of the Italian army. As part of the 1ª Divisione Celere (first fast division) “Eugenio di Savoia” it participated in the entire Yugoslav campaign until the Italian armistice with the Allied powers of September 1943.
After the armistice one of its squadrons, commanded by Captain Agostino Tonegutti, remained in arms: after moving to the Friuli region in North-Eastern Italy it was re-equipped and integrated into the army of Mussolini’s Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI). Under the name of the Gruppo Squadroni Corazzati “San Giusto” the unit fought in the region then known as Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (“Adriatic Coastal Area” Zone of Operation) until the end of the war.
This book describes the entire unit history with the help of around 140 photographs, most of them never seen before.

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